Monday, September 4, 2023

Radiorgonomy-Bridging Radionics and Orgone Energy.

Jesse L. Alexander: Chief Citizen Scientist at Vril Lab 1, Radionics Practitioner, Certified as an Radiorgonomic Operator,

 Copyright (C) by Jesse L. Alexander & David L. Asselstine.

 Dr. Albert Abrams and Dr. Wilhelm Reich were two prominent figures in the fields of Radionics and Orgonomy, respectively, who made significant contributions to alternative medicine and energy healing during the 20th century. Their work, although distinct, laid the foundation for the concept of Radiorgonomy, a holistic approach that combines the principles of Radionics and Orgone Energy technologies.

**Dr. Albert Abrams (1863-1924):**

Dr. Albert Abrams was a pioneering American physician and researcher who made substantial advancements in the field of Radionics. Born in San Francisco in 1863, Abrams graduated from the University of Heidelberg in Germany and returned to the United States to practice medicine. It was during his career that he became increasingly interested in the concept of energy healing and non-invasive diagnostic techniques.

Abrams is best known for developing the Electronic Reactions of Abrams (ERA) device, which he claimed could diagnose various medical conditions by measuring the energy vibrations emitted by the human body. He believed that each disease had its unique vibrational frequency and that these frequencies could be detected and treated using his Radionic devices. While his theories were met with skepticism by mainstream medicine, Abrams gained a following among alternative practitioners and patients who experienced seemingly miraculous healings.

Despite the controversy surrounding his work, Abrams continued to refine his Radionic devices and published several books on the subject, including "New Concepts in Diagnosis and Treatment" in 1916. He founded the Electronic Reaction Company to manufacture and distribute his machines.

**Dr. Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957):**

In a parallel development, Dr. Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian-American psychiatrist, and psychoanalyst, was conducting groundbreaking research in the field of Orgonomy. Reich, a student of Sigmund Freud, was initially focused on psychoanalysis but gradually shifted his attention towards the study of what he termed "Orgone Energy." He believed that this universal life force energy permeated all living organisms and played a crucial role in their health and well-being.

Reich's work led to the invention of the Orgone Accumulator, a device designed to concentrate and harness Orgone Energy for therapeutic purposes. He claimed that exposure to the accumulator's concentrated Orgone energy could have profound healing effects on individuals suffering from various physical and psychological ailments. Reich also developed a form of bodywork called "Vegetotherapy," which aimed to release blocked Orgone energy within the body to promote health and emotional well-being.

Like Abrams, Reich's theories were met with skepticism and controversy, and his work faced opposition from the scientific and medical communities. In 1954, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) obtained an injunction against the distribution of Orgone Accumulators, leading to the destruction of many of these devices.

**Radiorgonomy - Bridging Radionics and Orgone Energy:**

Cautionary Note: Exploring Radionics and Orgone Concepts as Holistic Therapies

As we delve into the fascinating worlds of Radionics and Orgone Energy, it is essential to approach these concepts with a cautious and discerning mindset. While these ideas have captured the imaginations of many and have been championed by certain practitioners, it's crucial to acknowledge that both Radionics and Orgone concepts are widely regarded as pseudoscientific by the mainstream scientific and medical communities.

Holistic Therapies, Not Necessarily Treatments:

The purpose of this article is not to endorse Radionics or Orgone Energy as proven medical treatments. Instead, it aims to shed light on them as alternative holistic therapies. Holistic therapies take a broader view of health, encompassing physical, emotional, and energetic aspects. People exploring these therapies should do so with the understanding that they often fall outside the boundaries of conventional medicine.

Radiorgonomy represents a modern fusion of the principles of Radionics and Orgone Energy technologies. It seeks to combine the diagnostic and healing potential of Abrams' Radionic devices with Reich's understanding of Orgone Energy. In Radiorgonomy, practitioners utilize specially designed equipment that incorporates both Radionic and Orgone Energy elements to diagnose and treat health conditions.

The central premise of Radiorgonomy is that the human body and its ailments are intricately connected to energy imbalances, and by harmonizing these energies, one can promote physical and emotional well-being. Radiorgonomy devices are believed to detect and correct imbalances in the body's energy fields, facilitating the flow of Orgone Energy for healing purposes.

While Radiorgonomy remains a niche field and lacks mainstream scientific acceptance, it continues to attract the interest of alternative healers and individuals seeking holistic approaches to health and well-being. Its roots in the work of Dr. Albert Abrams and Dr. Wilhelm Reich highlight the enduring fascination with the intersection of energy, medicine, and holistic healing in the 21st century.

The symbol of Radiorgonomy

**David Asselstine: Pioneering Radiorgonomic Technologies through Yeast Culturing**

In the realm of alternative healing and energy technologies, David Asselstien emerges as a contemporary trailblazer who has pushed the boundaries of understanding Orgone Energy and its applications. Through his innovative work in culturing yeasts to create what he terms "bions," Asselstein has made significant strides in the field of Radiorgonomy, offering a fresh perspective on holistic well-being.

**The Genesis of Radiorgonomy:**

David Asselstein's journey into the world of Radiorgonomy was inspired by the groundbreaking work of figures like Wilhelm Reich and Karl Welz. Like these pioneers, Asselstien recognized the potential of harnessing Orgone Energy, which Reich believed to be a vital life force energy, for healing and wellness.

However, Asselstien's approach was unique. Drawing from his background in biology and microbiology, he delved into the microscopic realm to explore the potential of yeasts as living entities that could interact with and channel Orgone Energy. This novel perspective marked the birth of Radiorgonomy, a fusion of Orgone Energy concepts with the principles of yeast culturing.

**Culturing Yeasts to Create Bions:**

At the core of Asselstien's work is the cultivation of yeasts to produce what he refers to as "bions." These bions are believed to be highly energized microscopic entities with the capacity to interact with the Orgone Energy field. Asselstien's innovative process involves carefully nurturing and enhancing the energetic properties of these yeasts, creating a unique blend of living organisms and energetic potential.

The concept of bions within Radiorgonomy represents a fascinating departure from traditional Orgonite materials, which typically consist of resin, metals, and crystals. Asselstien's approach introduces a living element into Orgone Energy technology, suggesting that these energized yeasts can play a crucial role in amplifying the subtle energies that influence human health and well-being.

**Radiorgonomic Technologies:**

Asselstien's work extends beyond theoretical concepts and enters the realm of practical applications. He has developed Radiorgonomic devices that incorporate these specially cultured yeasts, offering a new approach to Orgone Energy technology. These devices are designed with the intention of facilitating energy balance and holistic well-being.

**Challenges and Controversies:**

It is important to note that Asselstine's work in Radiorgonomy and the culturing of yeasts to create bions is not without its challenges and controversies. The scientific community remains highly skeptical of these concepts, and many consider them pseudoscientific. Critics argue that the claims surrounding Radiorgonomy lack empirical evidence and rigorous scientific validation.


David Asselstein's work in Radiorgonomy, with its innovative approach of culturing yeasts to create bions, represents a unique and unconventional exploration of Orgone Energy concepts. While his ideas may be met with skepticism within the mainstream scientific community, they have garnered attention and interest among alternative healers and holistic practitioners.

Ultimately, the world of holistic well-being is marked by diverse approaches and viewpoints. Asselstine's pioneering efforts serve as a testament to the ongoing exploration of the intersection between living organisms, energy, and health. Whether one embraces or questions these concepts, they undeniably contribute to the rich tapestry of alternative healing and energy technologies in our ever-evolving understanding of holistic wellness.

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